Architecture Architecture
Creating new urban connections, designing cities of the future

MW Bus station
Fernanda Orviz
Arq. Beatriz Malja, Ing. Giomara Madera
Mérida,Yucatán, México
Universidad Anáhuac Mayab
Art Direction
Description: MW Bus station, Thesis Project 19 Architect: Arq. Fernanda Orviz
Due to the great growth of the City of Mérida in the past 10 years, new traffic problems have emerged. CAME bus station was located 50 years ago in downtown Mérida between 69th and 71st street, the decision was based on the importance of the convenient connection of the city´s downtown coinciding with the radial relationship with nearby towns. However, nowadays this station is no longer capable of providing the appropriate service due to sizing restrictions but mainly due to the difficulty to expedite communications as it got to immerse in the most conflictive areas of the city traffic-wise. Moreover, the current saturation is not only making the private and public transport inefficient but has also resulted in to damage the urban image of one of the most important and historical parts of Mérida which are considered cultural heritage sites. The previous statement leads to a proposal for a new bus station outside the city center. After a long analysis regarding the growth predictions of the citybased on the urban plan and land use designated for infrastructure, the decision for the new location was strategically chosen on one of the most important highways that gave vast access to the city, the Merida-Campeche highway.

Operating Diagram


Architectural Plan

Site Plan

Architectural Facades

Architectural Sections

Materials and Finishes

Materials and Finishes

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